Smart Working: Smart Buildings and the Future of Work is an insight report published by Unwork, in collaboration with Schneider Electric. The report outlines how technological innovations such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, and intelligent Building Management Systems (iBMS) are propelling us into a new era of human-centric facility management; engaging with employee wellbeing and productivity, boosting energy efficiency and identifying the possibilities of moving beyond smart buildings and into smart cities.
Smart Working: Smart Buildings and the Future of Work argues that a confluence of new ideas, technological innovation and the entrance of new generations into the workforce has upended longstanding approaches to work and the workplace, dramatically shifting the way in which companies work in the process. As the role of workplaces change, so do the buildings that facilitate them – there is an increasing need to provide more than the traditional lease; the workplace has become a tool to help attract the finest talent, support the aims of a modern business and inspire and energise staff.
The report introduces The Activ8 Model, an outcome-orientated structure that focusses on aspects such as insightfulness, flexibility and productivity to truly assess building intelligence – the model represents a series of criteria to use when designing, specifying and procuring smart building technology. Case studies of world leading smart buildings such as Majunga Tower, Le Hive and The Edge are used to form a taxonomy of a Smart Asset, while the first-hand insight into these revolutionary projects provides the key figures behind the business case from less documented metrics such as indoor air quality or biometric access control.
From increased intergenerational working to enhanced employee health, Smart Working: Smart Buildings and the Future of Work details how modernising the workplace through the implementation of smart building technology helps businesses unlock a new realm of business targets, unattainable without the interconnectivity provided by the IoT-enabled workplace.
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